Did you know you can get free product for sharing your before & after photos? We know you will love the results our products offer. So here is a major incentive to share your pictures!
As soon as you make your order take a before picture so you can show us your amazing results. Send in your before and after photos, and we will refund the total cost of your Butt Acne Clearing Lotion or send you a new bottle. It's your choice when you share!
Millions of people breakout on their butt and no one wants to talk about it. Your pictures will spark the conversation. You will help others discover a revolutionary solution to an intimate problem.
We offer the same incentive for all our products including SKINBOSS, Aha! Moment, and reSULFACE.
Don't worry we will never identify you! Email beforeafter@TheLabAndCompany.com for more details & to get started.
Shop butt acne specific products to keep your backside flawless and clear of blemishes and imperfections.The importance of a good butt beauty routine is something we've been preaching for years. Here are our top 3 products for a booty-full behind.