Awesome & Easy Ways To Get Rid of Butt Acne Right Now

Awesome & Easy Ways To Get Rid of Butt Acne Right Now

Butt acne - bleh. Those pimples couldn't have popped up on a worse place, or at an even worse time. It seems like butt acne knows when it's time for some bikini wearing, or purchased some cute new undies that you want to show off - and then boom, butt acne galore! What's even worse is that these little red bumps are dead skin cells and bacteria that has gotten stuck in the pores or hair follicles on your backside. Fortunately, the steps to treating butt acne are just as straightforward as its definition. You should start by getting yourself a high-quality exfoliating cloth, and with the following tips to treating butt acne, you'll have a backside that is smooth and blemish free in no time.

Your Booty Needs Benzoyl Peroxide

While many people like to indulge in natural acne remedies, there's no denying that benzoyl peroxide is an ingredient that works for all kinds of acne, including butt acne. Sure, it isn't natural and organic, but it works flawlessly which is why it also happens to be a highly praised component in many of the most effective skin care treatment solutions. You can pick up just any ole' cleanser that has this ingredient, but it is highly recommended to lather yourself up with a cleanser that was specifically designed to treat butt acne. It'll help treat the acne by removing the bacteria in those pores and follicles, while also preventing them from coming back.


Daily Butt Acne Cleaning Routine

The days of pressing snooze and skipping out on your morning shower have got to stop if you are serious about treating butt acne. It is vital to shower every day in hot water as the high temperature and moisture will open up the pores. Next, is time for some exfoliating with that awesome exfoliating cloth we recommended earlier in this article. Shedding away that dry skin will allow the next step to work its magic - lathering up with your Butt Acne Clearing Lotion. Stick to this regime daily, and you'll be well on your way to a clear complexion on your booty.

Wipe Away The Bacteria

Since the main reason for that butt acne appearing on your booty is inflamed hair follicles, it only makes sense to implement unclogging them into your daily beauty regime. This can easily be done with, as mentioned previously, a hot shower but sometimes you're not close to the comfort of your home and need to put some unclogging action into play immediately. There are many butt acne wipes that are similar to facial cleaning wipes, and they will help clear out those pores. These are excellent to have on hand if you often sweat throughout the day, or finished up at a hot yoga studio and are stopping off at the local cafe with the ladies before heading home. You can clean your pores whenever and wherever which will come to you as a huge benefit when treating butt acne.

ExfoliMATE daily

If you shower daily like most people with acne, do to stay hygienic don't forget your whole body. Gentle exfoliation is key. You need to slough-off dead skin while not making new micro tears in the skin.


Weekly Butt Spa

For those mornings when you have a bit of extra time to spare, try to give yourself 20 minutes to sit on a hot towel. While this step may seem odd at first, it'll help treat butt acne. Try to repeat this process three to four times a day - which can seem unrealistic for most people - but try to squeeze - or sit - it in there as much as possible. Do your nails while you're sitting on your hot towel or lotion your legs, shave, or read a magazine. Sit and allow the pores to unclog. You'll never hear a more natural solution.

Butt acne doesn't have a chance going up against these acne fighting steps. Don't forget to grab yourself the Butt Acne Clearing Lotion to complete this regime. Your clear booty complexion will be back to normal in no time.

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